Empower Your Real Estate Journey with Genesis Real Estate School

Elevating Georgia Agents and Brokerages through Exceptional Continuing Education Classes

Genesis Real Estate School is an Independent Real Estate School

Elevate Your Expertise

Tailored continuing education classes crafted for the real estate industry, taught by seasoned instructors with proven industry excellence.

Nurturing Success

Genesis Real Estate School’s passion for industry insight, mentorship, and cutting-edge knowledge ensures agents master every aspect of real estate.

Guiding Excellence

We are committed to unmatched service, clear communication of real estate forms, and insightful navigation of current market trends for informed buyers and sellers.

Unlocking Achievement

Where education is the key to seamlessly navigate transactions, empowered by CE courses and in-depth knowledge from GAR and NAR.

Real Estate School

Are you ready to learn?

Empowering Agents with Passion, Mentorship, and Up-to-Date Industry Knowledge

Join us for a transformative learning experience, where we value life experiences, encourage open dialogue, and unite in the common goal of delivering exceptional service. In this dynamic profession, we navigate bumps in the road with calm resolve, understanding the gravity of our role in clients’ significant financial transactions. With dedication, we simplify complex real estate forms, stay abreast of market trends, and prioritize continuing education through our CE courses and insights from GAR and NAR. Embrace this journey, be true to yourself, and thrive in providing top-notch service to clients.”

Our CE Courses are focused on four principles.

No-judgment-zone classes emphasize learning from each other and learning from real estate life experiences.

The mistakes we have made.

The victories we have accomplished.

The absolute love of what we do and who we are.